S-easy'yi, iş süreçlerinize entegre edin.
In order to use these services, you must have an S-easy Account.
S-easy Web API link: http://api.s-easydesk.com
All services works with Bearer Token. You should get a token from following service by using your API Username, API Passwordand Channel Identifier which are display in your Account Setting page.
{ "username": "string", "password": "string", "channel": "string" }
You can create a new ticket from your own applications like web sites, mobile or form applications.
{ "subject": "string", "description": "string", "parentCategoryId": 0, "subcategoryId": 0, "productId": 0, "productName": "string", "categoryName": "string", "customFieldList": [ { "customFieldId": 0, "fieldValue": "string" } ], "owner": { "email": "string", "name": "string", "surname": "string", "phone": "string" } }
You can get a ticket list with an email address which belongs to an owner.
[ { "id": 0, "createDate": "2023-02-10T18:29:56.975Z", "ticketOwner": { "name": "string", "surname": "string", "email": "string", "phone": "string", "clientName": "string" }, "subject": "string", "description": "string", "ticketState": "string", "resolvedDate": "2023-02-10T18:29:56.975Z", "resolvedBy": "string", "reopenedCount": 0, "isShared": true, "priority": "string", "isSurveySent": true, "assignedTo": "string", "category": "string", "subcategory": "string", "product": "string", "waitingTime": "string", "workedTime": "string", "customFieldList": [ { "fieldName": "string", "fieldValue": "string" } ] } ]
You can get a specific ticket with a ticket Id
{ "id": 0, "createDate": "2023-02-10T18:42:30.899Z", "ticketOwner": { "name": "string", "surname": "string", "email": "string", "phone": "string", "clientName": "string" }, "subject": "string", "description": "string", "ticketState": "string", "resolvedDate": "2023-02-10T18:42:30.899Z", "resolvedBy": "string", "reopenedCount": 0, "isShared": true, "priority": "string", "isSurveySent": true, "assignedTo": "string", "category": "string", "subcategory": "string", "product": "string", "waitingTime": "string", "workedTime": "string", "customFieldList": [ { "fieldName": "string", "fieldValue": "string" } ] }